The New York Times Exposes Big Ag Push to Keep Consumers in the Dark

e6sickcalf.jpgIn response to the efforts by pro-factory farm legislators in some states to keep consumers in the dark about the routine cruelties involved in raising and killing animals for food, The New York Times has churned out a series of articles denouncing the unconstitutional anti-whistleblower bills, and highlighting Mercy For Animals’ latest undercover investigation at E6 Cattle Company in Texas.

In an article titled “Who Protects the Animals?” celebrated food columnist Mark Bittman points to the utter lack of legal protection for farmed animals and states that “organizations like the Humane Society and Mercy For Animals need to be allowed to do the work that the federal and state governments are not: documenting the behavior most of us abhor.” Bittman goes on to say, “The biggest problem is that we’ve created a system in which standard factory-farming practices are inhumane, and the kinds of abuses documented at E6 are really just reminders of that.”

The next day, The New York Times columnist Jennifer Mascia posted an article under Bittman’s blog titled “Animals, Cruelty and Videotape,” with a state-by-state look at the proposed bills and some of the Big Ag companies like Monsanto that are coordinating these legislative efforts.

The cruelties exposed at E6 Cattle Company, where calves had their skulls bashed in with pickaxes and hammers and were left to slowly suffer and die, are shocking and horrifying to most Americans – which is exactly why Big Ag hopes to keep them secret. But consumers have a right to know how animals are treated on modern farms so they can make informed choices. One of the most effective ways to help end the routine abuses of farmed animals is to withdraw our financial support from the meat, dairy and egg industries by adopting a healthy and humane vegan diet. Learn more at