Oxfam Report: Poultry Workers Denied Bathroom Breaks Wear Diapers

Exploitation of animals on factory farms is well documented. But a recent Oxfam report claims workers are being denied their basic needs too.

NBC News reports that line workers at Tyson Foods Inc., Perdue Farms Inc., Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., and Sanderson Farms Inc. are denied breaks. In fact, they go so long without them that some employees are forced to wear diapers to avoid urinating on themselves.

According to Oxfam America, the U.S. arm of the global organization dedicated to solving poverty and social injustice, “The processing plant workers are mocked or ignored by supervisors when they ask to go to the bathroom.

The report states:
What would be shocking in most workplaces happens far too often in poultry plants: Workers relieving themselves while standing at their work station. Too many workers tell stories about urinating on themselves, or witnessing coworkers urinating on themselves.
This isn’t the only way factory farm workers are abused by the meat industry. Farm workers are also often exposed to hazardous materials that can lead to injury and disease.

You don’t need to be Einstein to see the connections between abuse of workers and abuse of animals on factory farms.

To protect workers and animals from horror and abuse, ditch animal products and switch to a compassionate vegan diet.

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*Photo represents a typical chicken slaughter facility